THz Detectors
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TK1813 cryostat systems:
Untuned low frequency indium antimonide hot electron bolometer. Product code QFI/2LF
Inhomogeneously tuned indium antimonide hot electron bolometer. Product code QFI/2BI
Homogeneously tuned indium antimonide hot electron bolometer. Product code QFI/2B
Composite germanium bolometer. Product code QGeB/2
Composite germanium bolometer with filter wheel mechanism. Product code QGeB/2F
Germanium gallium photodetector. Product code QGeGa/2
TK1840 cryostat systems:
Homogeneously tuned 3-channel indium antimonide hot electron bolometer. Product code QFI/3B(3) Downward looking optics
Dual channel detector system with InSb hot electron bolometer and Ge bolometer. Product code QGeB/3(2+XBI)
Product code QFI/3BI(2+GeGa): Dual channel detector system, with InSb hot electron bolometer and Ge:Ga photoconductor. Product code QFI/3BI(2+GeGa)