THz Optical components
We offer a variety of optical components for use at far-infrared and mm/Terahertz wavelengths:
Photolithographic & wire grid polarisers
Beamsplitters and Dichroics
Our Multi-mesh filter technology is unique and allows extremely precise wavelength selection. It has been developed over 40 years by our astronomical academic colleagues, and is now a cornerstone technology used in all major astronomical projects in the sub-millimetre and far-Infrared region of the spectrum for both ground and space-based applications. We are proud to be able to offer its extraordinary benefits to a wider scientific community. Low-pass, high-pass and band-pass structures are available with operational frequencies ranging from 30 GHz (10 mm, or 1 cm-1) to 30 THz (10 um, or 1 000 cm-1). These filters will operate at both room and cryogenic temperatures, with only a marginal change in their performance (edge position, transmission efficiency).
We offer two polariser technologies for the THz region. Free-standing wire grid polarisers are designed for frequencies up to 3 THz and lithographic polarisers for higher frequencies.
Due to our experience working with quartz we are able to offer quartz quarter and half wave plates, AR coated over the entire THz range.
Our surface coatings can be applied to a range of optical materials to generate prescribed transmission and reflection properties throughout the THz range. Anti-reflection coatings are applied to vacuum window materials such as quartz, sapphire and diamond. We also design coating schemes for quarter-wave and half wave-plates.
We offer vacuum windows for the broad THz region. Standard materials include ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), quartz, sapphire, diamond and KRS-5.
Finally, we offer Winston cones; these are non-imaging light concentrating components and are usually used along with our detectors.