Contact Us
To contact us, please email qmc'at' or phone:
029 2045 1071 - For technical enquiries
029 2044 4430 - For sales enquiries.
NB: Please replace the 'at' with an @
Individual contacts
Name Role email Telephone
Richard Wylde Managing Director r.wylde'at' 01403 787614
Adam Woodcraft Research & operations Director a.woodcraft'at' 029 2044 4431
Darryl Edey Finance assistant d.edey'at' 01403 782045
James Cox Systems Engineer j.cox'at' 029 2044 4432
Visiting us
We operate on two sites in the UK. Our main project offices and laboratories are located at the School of Physics and Astronomy, Queens buildings Cardiff University. This site is responsible for R&D as well as the majority of production. Road access is via The Parade. On arrival, please report to the security lodge; the location is shown on the map below. The location can also be viewed above in google maps. A Campus map is also available (we are in building 58).
Our second site is located at our sister company TK instruments site in Billingshurst (both companies are part of the Churchwood trust group). At Billingshurst is where our head office, and finance department is located. Billingshurst is also responsible for the initial production of our wet systems.
The address of our technical offices:
QMC Instruments Ltd.
School of Physics and Astronomy
Cardiff University
Queens Buildings
The Parade
CF24 3AA
Fax 029 2045 1271
The address of our admin offices:
QMC Instruments Ltd.
Station Mills
Daux Road
West Sussex
RH14 9SH
Fax 01403 785464
We also have several representatives around the world who will be happy to assist you (click the flags to link to their website)
AGS Corperation (Tokyo)
contact: massa Fukumuro